Leaving Stuff Behind- Healing Your Soul Series

Two years ago I had to move to Durban, after I spent 10 years of my career life in Pretoria. I had arrived in Pretoria with only a medium suitcase and a small bag of clothes, and you can imagine how much stuff I accumulated over the years. I had bought an apartment, cars, furniture, appliances, dishes and lots of clothing.

Being an independent lady that I am, I mostly planned my voyage alone, didn't share or ask for advise because I thought I had it all handled. I  hired a trailer  and I remember feeling proud that I had thought of that idea, because I was going to save a lot of money on hiring movers. I  was positive that all my stuff would fit in that trailor. Boy was I wrong!! I could only fit one bed, one couch, washing machine and smaller items. I remember thinking I would need to courier some of the stuff but soon realised it would be too expensive. I  had no choice but to do a painful exercise of deciding which of my hard earned possessions to leave behind. I had to take only those things that I would need , and I had to let go of all the extra "nice to haves".

A lot goes through mind when you have to leave stuff behind. There's a sense of loss and failure when you think of all your  efforts in trying to accumulate those things. For independent people who seldomly ask for help, those things are gathered from their own hard work, sweat and tears, so it's even harder to let go. However there comes a time in life where we need cut our losses and let go of things we thought would serve us for the rest our lives, in order to allow for an opportunity for new things to form.

A similar concept applies with our souls as well. There are things we carry in our souls that we accumulated from when we were young to this current day. They may have resulted from the traumas and mistakes of the past. They've allowed us function by providing protective layers in our souls, temporal enjoyment and freedom but not for long. They soon become fortresses that block everything including our growth and prosperity. We find ourselves defensive, irritable, rigid, hard headed, angry, drunk, BOASTFUL,  promiscuous etc. these same traits  used to make us feel proud that we standing  up for ourselves were free and thought we've made it in life. But now they leave us empty, in dispair and cause us more  pain than joy.

We need to learn to leave them behind by getting rid of the ideals that are based on our shameful past, cleanse our souls and find new ways that will lead us to true Freedom and Peace...


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