Nothing in Common – “You are not my Type”
The words “you are not my type”, simply describe the common
features that would bring people together, usually physical. Now the deeper meaning
of being someone type is usually not so obvious. The commonalities that are
most significant for a relationships to occur are mostly hidden in the soul. Many
relationships are based on the connections shared with the person, largely
built on commonalities from the past. It could be past hurts, financial lack and
similar backgrounds between souls. Some people find their soulmates because the
souls were able to identify each other based on the similar experiences they
had gone through. These experiences whether known or unknown to the couple lead
to unexplained attraction and attachment and result in a meaningful
The complication comes when one soul or both souls haven’t
healed from the negative experiences of the past. If both haven’t healed, the
relationship becomes toxic and lead to unhealthy dependence. If one has healed,
the relationship could be beneficial to the one that is still suffering, maybe
even get their healing from it, if they allow it. Resistance to healing creates
a strain on the one that had healed and possibly lead to power struggles within
the relationship and an inevitable breakup. However if the two soul heal together
they can now focus helping each other to avoid going through the same troubles
and grow together. This relationship is based on the common goals and built on
the strong foundation to make it last.
The notion of opposites attract doesn’t work here. Hurt
attract hurting, broken attracts broken, weak attract weak, and so on. It is thus
important to understand why you are attracted to a certain type. It is also
useful to check whether your soul commonalities are based on negative or
positive experiences. The soul usually remembers the negative experiences
especially when it is still seeking healing. The reason, most relationships are
based on past hurts is that a lot of people haven’t healed. We walk around with
soul wounds that haven’t been addressed. In most instances, it becomes the
partner’s responsibility to address and heal their partner’s soul. For instance,
in a heterosexual relationship, a woman who is hoping to heal from the pain of financial
lack she experience from childhood, she might expect her male partner to create
financial stability. Failure to do so, would affect the relationship badly.
Again if the other partner is still dealing with issue of childhood rejection, their
partners would be responsible for making sure that they feels accepted at all
times. Any signs of disapproval and possible rejection, send an alarm to the guy’s
system that the relationship is not functioning accordingly.
These unrealistic expectations would put a strain on any
relationship. It is difficult to support and comfort someone from something
that happened in their past. This creates fights that are not understood, and
can’t be clearly communicated because their source is mostly not obvious. In
the end, couples would either break it off or find another one to fulfil those
parts of their soul seeking healing. Couples dealing with similar hurts, may find
the relationship fulfilling in the beginning.
Most aspects of the relationships would feel familiar, like a feeling of
“being home” as the souls find comfort in each other. However there comes a
point to grow, which would be good if they both grow at the same rate. More often
than not, one gets stuck in comfort zone, while one seeks to explore more growth
opportunities within the relationship.
What can be done
The goal for each individual is to identify and heal from most
past hurts and negative experiences, while they are still single. While waiting for the perfect match who has
resolved their issues of the past, we should resolve our own issues. You will
always attract your type whether based on their positive or negative traits. Focusing
on our own healing is far more beneficial than spending time trying to fix a
relationship that is based on pain. Once our souls are healed, we will have no
commonalities with the wounded souls. There will be no attraction, therefore
meaning they will no longer be your type. They might still feel you are their
types because their soul’s looks at your in wonder, envy and interest on how you
managed to do the amazing work of healing, but you will not recognise the
commonalities once you have healed and buried all the pain, rejection and
inequities of the past. Your soul will not need them for anything and they will
not be able to offer you anything.
What the Bible says
about Soul Commonalities
So now most people take it as an insult when someone tells
them they are not their types. This understandable because this is usually said
with a negative connotation. For example when Jesus would talk about having
nothing in common with someone, it was with the devil (Prince of the world) in
John 14:30 and with the demoniac who dwelled in the tombs in Mark 5. From many
scriptures in the bible we know the relationship Jesus had with the devil and
demons. He was able to resist the devil even when he appeared to know what
Jesus needed for example when Jesus was hungry, the devil asked him to turn
stones into break in Matthew 4:3. The devil also quoted the scripture when he
wanted Jesus to throw himself down for God to rescue Him, “for it is written,
He will command his angels”. Most people would get confused, once someone speaks
the same language as you (quoting the scripture), it seems you have something in
common. But Jesus didn’t seem to be affected by the fake commonalities Satan
displayed. This is because His Soul had nothing in common with the devil. Instead
he was able to resist all his endeavors.
We are also encouraged to resist all the persuasion from the
people who will not bring any positive growth due to their negative soul
balance, (James 4:7)- resist the devil and he will flee. No matter how
convincing it may sound, there’s no need to be shaken. We need to have a
relationship with God that would help us heal and forget our past offenses and
inequities. “For I will be merciful toward their iniquities, and I will
remember their sins no more” Hebrew 8:12. For as he forgives us we also forgive ourselves
and heal from the past wounds, offenses and inequities. From there we start
seeing ourselves as God sees us and not rely on romantic relationship to heal
us. Only that resembles Christ will be our types, if we know we are:
Loved- John 3:16
Worthy- Zephaniah 3:17
Purposed- Jeremiah 29:11
His- 1 John 3:1
This is very profound thanks Thembekile
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