Is Closure a Scam? Part 1

A Facebook Philosopher wrote "Closure is a scam, don't seek it, don't call, don't text, just move on. You'll heal!" 

Some people seem to master the skill of just fading away from a relationship or fustrating you till either you or the relationship breaks. Leaving you wondering what the hell happened. Men are far better at this than women, it is no surprise that a man wrote that Facebook post. Women usually want answers, especially if they cared about someone. This is also because women are much better at communicating their emotions. Women want to deliberate, discuss, confront, cry, shout, do whatever it takes until they know for sure that things will never work out.
 Unfortunately this doesn't always happen, when one person decides to pull the plug with no explanation, the other partner is left wondering what happened. It is even more heartbreaking when one  partner tries  to reach out and they are met with coldness and a brick wall, leaving them hurt, confused  and lacking confidence. The truth is, it is difficult to be rejected and refused honest answers about why the relationship ended. 

Through a bit of research I have come to understand several reasons people choose to just leave without saying a word in other words "ghosting" you. 

1) The assumption that you both on the same page and you know exactly what's going on, as if you can read minds 🙄. 

2)Avoiding difficult questions, especially if they know they are at fault. This also saves them from confrontations and emotional outbursts  

3) Claims that they don’t want to hurt your feelings - saving you from "it's not you, its me" conversation. Usually resulting in them never being sure about the relationship. 

4)You were the ideal guy or girl, the relationship made sense but they never really loved you "that way". Trying to explain this could really make one sound like a jerk. So they convince themselves it’s better this way (even though it is much worse and the person cannot move on because they cannot process being discarded without at least a proper breakup).

5) They are not emotionally mature adults who understand basic human decency to 
know that what they are doing is shitty

6)  Because it is an easy option.

A secure man (or woman) of value will never ghost (unless they have been physically threatened or otherwise abused).Ghosting/doing the fadeaway instead of breaking up like adults is usually a sign of insecurity, cowardice and fear of facing the truth. 

Now that is out of the way, lets discuss whether seeking closure is a scam, see you in the next post...


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