Fix yourself first!!
We all deal with our childhood failures and lost battles differently, some withdraw and never attempt to stand up for themselves while others become little fierce monsters 😂 towards anyone who dares take them back to those feelings of helplessness. See that's a problem with trying to bandage on uncleaned wounds, they never heal and anyone who dares touch them faces full wrath of the devil inside😈.
The most unhappy people stare up trouble and point fingures at other people. When I lacked confidence I could quickly notice people who "thought they were better than me" , because they rised up and did something I was too afraid to do.
There are people who are defensive, who come out gun blazing at a smallest threat towards whatever thing related to thier unresolved past. You can never win an argument with these people because they've had so many arguments and have practised skills to shut you down. It could be that they grew up where they felt they were not being heard. It could even take one incidence, maybe in primary school, where everyone totally ignored your opinion even though you were sure you are right. You then made a promise to never let it happen again.
The first most important battle to conquer is the one within. Stop and notice why you fighting, why are you trying to fix everybody else while the person who needs fixing is you. After the internal conflict is conquered you will find it unnecessary to fight to be heared because that little child who was ignored is long gone. Maybe you will stop serial dating or sleeping around to get validation, attention and appreciation because you acknowledge your own abilities, you know your worth and do not need external confirmation to strive.
To be continued...☺☺
Well put, no validation needed.