Why women resent men after breakups.

As a woman of conservative nature, who puts high value on herself and body, I find breakups to evoke feelings of disgust and somewhat shame especially if the relationship was sexual. 
Culturally/ socially even religiously, women are taught that their bodies are sacred and should only be shared with their husbands in marriage. Though this is becoming an extremely difficult value to uphold, (staying a virgin till marriage), a conservative woman still wants to share their body with the "right" person.

As people and the world evolves, men and women to some extent are finding it difficult to commit to one person. Well I believe its due to women becoming more liberal with their sexuality and improved financial statutes. Unlike in days when a woman would stay, in an abusive marriage, for financial security, most women work and don't need men in that sense.

Even with this shift, there are still women who place high values on their bodies (cake). The difficult part now comes when a woman needs to decide to give it up, since the "after marriage" part is fading away. What would a man do to convince her that he values her so much that he deserves the ultimate price? Mistake women do (ill speak about conservative ones) is giving up too soon, without really knowing whether he values you  or not. If it turns out you sold yourself short, then resentment kicks in. "Who is he to think he can fuck me and leave me?" The second scenario is when you now in a relationship and decide to have sex because you think he's descent, and he obviously wants to have sex. You still not sure if hes "the one" at this point, but you have sex anyway because unfortunately you want to please him. Then you breakup, guess what, you sold yourself short again, resentment! 

Women can carry up to so much pain or resentment, some then choose to change their values,  make sex just another activity people do with no expectation. These women plan to go out to have fun and find some good dick. That's it for them, no expectations, no disappointments. I can't, however comment on the long term emotional and psychological impact of this (pending research).
 As for some, they still put some value and decide that men need to spend some money on them to show commitment, I mean what is a man's greatest asset if not his money?  Unfortunately some men have lots of money, so it still means nothing to him, even he spends thousands on different girls. But this makes some girls happy, as long as he is giving them money which equals the value they have attached to themselves, all is good.  These women are less likely to be heartbroken after breakups, as their monetary expectations were met. They may however feel devalued or under-compensated for the amount of sex they gave, which is likely because sex is also an emotional investment. The body can be compensated through shopping sprees, new hair, clothes bla bla, all the benefits that come with money. But if the emotional expectations was are not met, there is still a void.

In my opinion all the relationships mentioned above are somewhat unhealthy and create resentment and pain. What do we then say is a healthy 21st century relationship (for women)? Is it the one with a reasonable balance on emotional and financial fulfillment?


  1. Not every sexual encounter will lead to marriage, people should learn to move on and not be resentful

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Agreed,(Not every sexual encounter will lead to marriage). This is main reason I wrote this article. Woman need understand that fact, and engage in sex knowing what they getting themselves into.Unfortunately, some women carry the pain with them for long after the break up due to the emotional investment they put into the relationship. I am hoping that articles like these will help them understand their source of resentment which will help with the healing process.

  2. Great piece Thembi... I can relate.please also share on how to move on from the resentment and how to not let your heart grow cold

    1. Thanks Mbofhs, your comment deserves its own article, maybe 2. I could give generic responses but my wish is for individuals to find answers within themselves. Everyone is going through their own unique experiences of pain, which requires each person to sit down, think and evaluate the sources of pain. Yes someone hurt you, but deeply understand why does it hurts you so munch. Which of your values did they "destroy"? How can you rebuild? This will take time and dedication and maybe some help-(books, people like me lol and writing).Believe there is still good men out there and your heart will not grow cold lol

  3. Love shouldn't be based on Sex cos it way more than that, it must be based on respect, trust and honesty that way we can go back to what we were tought on Sunday Schools "no sex before marriage "

    1. Yeah, I was thinking about it this morning, abstinance is the best solution, no questions asked. We could avoid a lot of dysfunctions in our society if we could make it work.The problem is that we are human and we will mess up sometimes and with sex, it becomes a complicated cz there is also pressure from the partner, and well we normally compromise for those we love.


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